Hell-o bloggies, it's been a looooong time since I didn't post anythings here. Well to be honest, I'm very busy recently due to my preparation for entering college, yupp, soon, means very soon, I'll be officially graduated from high school. Wish me luck, ne? ><
Anywaaaay, in this post I'm not telling about, well, these things about entering college soon or whatsoever, because I have bigger, and greater news!
Finally, finally, after more than one year, my twelve awesome boys from nowhere planet called EXO are 'coming back' to Earth! Yeah they'll have their comeback this month! So stoke, still shocked, but now I can fully believe that they''ll back!
The teaser photos were posted started yesterday, and today, they'll post some more, so, I'll just give you the pictures here.
(Released on May 16th, 2013)
The 1st version
Draws EXO boys as a bunch of good boys
The 2nd version
Draws EXO boys as a bunch of bad boys
(Released on May 17th, 2013)
Well that's all for these post, I'll post more since I have enough free time this week and of course for posting more of their teaser, so stay tune! XOXO jjang, EXO fighting!^^9