Thursday, May 16, 2013


Hell-o bloggies, it's been a looooong time since I didn't post anythings here. Well to be honest, I'm very busy recently due to my preparation for entering college, yupp, soon, means very soon, I'll be officially graduated from high school. Wish me luck, ne? ><

Anywaaaay, in this post I'm not telling about, well, these things about entering college soon or whatsoever, because I have bigger, and greater news!

Finally, finally, after more than one year, my twelve awesome boys from nowhere planet called EXO are 'coming back' to Earth! Yeah they'll have their comeback this month! So stoke, still shocked, but now I can fully believe that they''ll back! 

The teaser photos were posted started yesterday, and today, they'll post some more, so, I'll just give you the pictures here. 

 (Released on May 16th, 2013)
   The 1st version
Draws EXO boys as a bunch of good boys 
  The 2nd version
Draws EXO boys as a bunch of bad boys

(Released on May 17th, 2013)



Well that's all for these post, I'll post more since I have enough free time this week and of course for posting more of their teaser, so stay tune! XOXO jjang, EXO fighting!^^9

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Future Leader of Indonesia (means: World)

Hey there! This is my newest post since I haven't been post in this blog for...7 months, yeah -_-
I know it's pretty loong, I'm kinda busy doing some other things, but anywaaay, this time I want
to post my task, yupp this is one of my school task, and so, let's begin (stretch ma hand & feet)

What kind of Indonesia (specifically) or the world (generally) do I want to see -
as I am the future leader?

Simple answer actually, a better world, a better Indonesia. In  this case, better means more than just improved or being "better", if you know what I mean. But being or on the top of the top. But I know, well we know, that it wasn't an easy things to do, in fact it is very, very difficult to do, especially for us: which is now, still a student, who we know as well, we can't do anything that we want just like that. We want Indonesia, or we can say the world, to become more friendly, in anything. The people itself, the situation:  economic/financial, technology, science, environment, and social itself. But it's not easy to change someone else, moreover this country or even Indonesia.

So, how about if we start from ourself??? 

Let's be the agent of change for ourself! Start changing everything that we can change from ourselves into someone's better. For example: improving our attitude, manner and our mindset 'bout anything negative and try to make it positive and possible! keep that two things in your mind and do some action for prove it. If we make it, then let;s start being the agent of change for the people in Indonesia specifically, and in world generally. Cause we all know...

Well, that's all for my post this time! See you on the next post ^^/

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

EXO-M & EXO-K - History

Alright, this time I want to share to you about another my favourite boyband
Again, this boyband are coming from SM Entertainment (Yeah hwaiting!!!!!)
And the last is, they are brand new, and all of them are 90liners or more :D
The group's name are EXO - divided into 2 subgroups: EXO-M & EXO-K ^^
And here is their song that make me fluttered and melted to the ground u,u
EXO, neomu saranghaee - EXO-M, EXO-K, y'all are the real HISTORY :'D

EXO-M - History (Chinese Ver.)

EXO-K - History (Korean Ver.)

Next post, I'm gonna tell you more about them
So that's all for introduction, annyeong! ^^

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Mother ♡

Actually this is from my English essay, and actually it's more longer than this, but
I think that I shuld just tell the main points, so check it out :)

"What I can say about my mother is two: my light and my protector.
She's like a sunshine and moonlight in my life, also in my family's life.
Because she give all that she can give to ous, and enlighten our mind
My mind becomes brighter, lot of ideas that suddenly came out from my mind.
She's a protector for us: me, my brother and my sister.
She give all of her power, her best ability, to give the best thing for us: her children.
Also she protect us from everything that could possibly happen to us.
She's protect our mouth from saying bad words, protect our ears from hearing bad thing.
And the last is, she protect our heart from hateness and cruelness from this world.
All that I can say is: she is my everything, and I don't know what's my life will be without her.
It's too difficult for me to imagine the moment when I have to lose my mom.
I will be all alone, without her guidance anymore, and I have to keep moving on.
Cause without her, I'm nothing but just a stupid, incorrigible, wild teenager.
She makes all that I think it's impossible into possible, and she said "Nothings impossible",
which make me think that I can do everything that I want and it'll works"

I love you Mom, and I'll always do 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Photo-Editing Project

Annyeonghaseyo! Tara's back mihihi XD
I want to tell you 'bout my new activities during one-week holiday
And it's photo-editing, which I know it's not a new thing anymore
But I just realized that it was pretty cool, actually.
Anywaaay, I'm still  a newbie, also a rookie in this "bussiness"
So here's few of my project that I made: \

1.) My pic ;D

2.) My little sister's pic 

Okaaaay then, see you in another post. Annyeong!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Alright, this time I wrote another song, yeah I made it myself :D
And, yes, it's still about 'him', well, you-know-who, the same boy ;)
This song titled: Broken, and it's about broken-hearted girl, like me
I think the lyrics is, well, mellow enough, and yes, it's so me, I think

by: Tara Saraswati

When I know that you're now with her
It feels like I'm gonna fall apart
Turn into pieces of broken glass, oh yeah
I know that you never realize
Or just pretend to not realize
That I'm still fall for you 'till now
You know that it make me broken

Yeah I'm broken like a  fallin' glass
Hit the ground and turn into many pieces
My heart is broken, yeah now it's broken
I'm broken because of you

You never know, you never realize
How much I'm still loving you, baby
You never look back, even turn arround
Just to see that I'm here, I'm still here

Back to Reff.

When I see that you walk with her
And seeing her hand in yours
It feels that the world stop spinning
Cause I can't move from my place, oh no

I know that you're not in me again
Yeah, I know that your heart is her's now
But is it wrong that I'm broken now?
Cause I'm broken because of you, yeaah

Back to Reff.

Oh baby I don't want to be broken
(Please baby, don't let me turn into pieces)
But I can't deny, my heart is broken
(It's already broken now)

Yeah, I'm gonna fall to the ground
Turn into dusts and get flew by the wind~
You don't knowwhat it feels like
You won't never know how it feels

Yeah I'm broken because of you
I know that wasn't supposed to be
But it's so okay with you and her
Cause I'm the one who's broken now~