Friday, January 27, 2012

Lee Donghae Fun Facts \(^o^)/

This time I will tell you lots of facts about my future husband (say: Amien XP) LEE Donghae
He's one of the member of Korean famous boyband, Super Junior, yeay all hail SuJu :D

(Taken from many source, all credits belongs to the owner ^^)

If Donghae sits too long unconsciously he will embrace his own foot

Donghae’s blood type is A

Donghae wants a girl that motherhood and soft, charming, elegant, thinker, has height around 165cm 

Donghae parting w/ his family for 6 years for training when donghae was back while brought his 1st salary, his dad has passed away

Donghae’s hope for the future is to “Conquest America”

What Donghae thinks of E.L.F: “I love them because they care for me & support me. 

He movies Donghae has watched w/ the most meaning are Titanic & A Walk To Remember

 He’s a crybaby, soft-hearted and thinks a lot

Once he was chatting with another member on the phone and said: “I forgotten my phone, I’m gonna go up and take it.

He loves puppies and kids

He used to play at the public bath house with his friends, using the bathhouse like a swimming pool 

When Kibum first came to Korea, Donghae’s the 1st person to hug him and welcome him 

Donghae dislikes pink a lot 

He’s not really good at searching things online. He doesn’t really even know how to use ‘Naver’ to search

Donghae really admires those taxi drivers and public transport drivers

Donghae’s father was a taxi driver

If someone tells him he’s short, he’ll definitely go online and search for ways to grow taller and drinks only milk and soy milk 

Donghae likes to play around with Hee Chul a lot

Donghae has a very cute lip biting habit

Donghae wants to give Bada name for his daughter/son 

Donghae carries Eunhyuk’s mom picture at his wallet 0.o

His big dreams are go to US and Disneyland in US

Donghae left a msg titled “ELF I LOVE YOU” in the fancafe and Sungmin called him and told him he got the title wrong. he typed LOVE as LVOE and he was so embarrassed

Donghae is a hardworker 

He likes it when others call him a prince

He loves to reply all fans messages

Donghae never get taller again since he’s graduate from elementary school

Donghae loves to watch movies, especially foreign movies. He likes to try to speak English

Donghae is afraid of ghosts so he sleeps with a nightlight

Donghae has a good relationship with BoA. BoA is one of his best friends

Donghae said that the nicest lips among SJ members is Eunhyuk's when he wakes up

Other members said that Donghae stares like a beast while performing U

Kyuhyun said "Donghae dances like he wants to destroy the stage". Because Donghae always dances with too much power

Donghae wants his future wife to wake him up with a sweet kiss and make him some sandwiches

Donghae doesn't like to be alone, so Eunhyuk always accompanies him

Donghae loves skinship. He hugs people to wake them up 

Donghae sings My Everything on the first Super Show. He sings that for his father

Donghae's special day is on October 8th, because it was the last time he saw his father

When Hae was a child, he was so naughty. He loved pressing his neighbour's bell, then ran away

Hae loves his father so much that he cried in an award night and said, "This is for you, Dad"

Hae never took the bracelet off his left wrist, which was given by his mom

During trainee period, Teukie always accompanies Hae to go to school

If Donghae had a girlfriend, he would like to give her a tour around his hometown, Mokpo

Donghae likes girl who has nice forehead, so when he sees it, he feels like he wants to kiss it

When Donghae took the high school examination, Heechul got up early to cook eggs for his breakfast

Well that's all for this post, see you on the next post, ciao! ;) XOXO~

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